Do you provide free estimates?
Yes we do, when possible, but only if we can do it by phone, email, or via text message. We usually will ask you to send us a photo of the issue and related parts. Call our office number (972) 418-1421 for assistance, send photos and information to our text number at (972) 415-9170, OR you can email your photos and a request for a free estimate to info@mylocalplumber.net
Do you offer financing?
Yes we do offer financing, including interest free terms! Please contact us for more information.
How do I know I have a slab leak?
- If you hear water running but cant find the source
- If you have a high water bill
- If you have hot spots on the floor
- If you have low water pressure
- If your water heater is constantly running
Read more on our Slab Leak Detection page
What type of payments do you accept?